Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Light of My Life

I've been thinking about how to restart this blog; I've been wondering if my first post should be devoted to one of my favorite recipes or perhaps something about a recent trip I've taken. Those are all great things, but after much consideration this first post is going to be devoted to one of my greatest loves, my sweet little boy Noah.

This little boy came into our life on October 29th, 2014. After having a mostly issue free pregnancy, I found out that he was breech on October 28th. Throughout my last month of pregnancy, I kept asking my doctor about his positioning. She assured me that he was correctly positioned head first. I was was concerned because I could've sworn that his head felt like it was positioned under my ribs. I kept bringing it up at my appointments and the doctor assured me that no he was indeed head first. Despite my better judgement I let it go thinking that the doctor knew best. I let it go, but I was still worried that he wasn't correctly positioned. I'm stubborn and paranoid like that : ). I voiced my concerns to my wonderful aunt, who also just happens to be an ultrasound technician. She offered to do a scan of me that next day. Low and behold as soon as she put the transponder down she knew that he was breech. Moral of the story: if you feel strongly about something, trust your instincts! This was a life lesson I learned the hard way, but we were so blessed that everything turned out okay. My water broke that night and I started contractions. I think it was prompted by the stress. I arrived at the hospital, had my official ultrasound to confirm what I already knew, and then the baby started passing meconium. A c-section was planned for that next morning. That night was one of the scariest and longest of our lives. I don't think that my husband or I slept at all. Exhausted and overwhelmed we prepped for surgery the next morning to meet our little boy.

Getting ready to become parents!! (Also, terrified haha!)

Our beautiful baby boy was born at 9:39 a.m., weighing 6 pounds, 13 ounces. He came into this world in a way that was totally different then I had planned; however, he was healthy and beautiful. When we were getting ready to leave the hospital one of the nurses said to me that the c-section might not have been part of our birth plan, but we still got to go home with the prize! Boy, was she ever right! He is almost 10 months old and fills our life with immense joy. I knew that I always wanted kids, but I don't think I actually realized how someone so little can be so loved. The way he looks at me with his little smile just melts my heart. Okay, I'm getting sappy haha. There are days where I do want to pull my hair out, but I would say that 97% of the time he is a lot of fun. We are blessed and I thank god everyday for our little Noah.

1st photo taken by Daddy!

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